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Putting On Weight

Putting On Weight

In the winter-time I’m constantly ill with the cold. It is extraordinarily bothersome, because as soon as I bounce back from the last illness, I promptly get sick again. I always put on warm apparel, and I try to consume a lot of oranges, but that does not stop me from catching every bug which is doing the rounds.
I have a massive amount of medical supplies in my house, stuff to remedy any malady. I’ve got a vast variety of bandages for the constant scratches I receive when doing the gardening, and every sort of pill you can imagine. I’ve got sunscreen and throat syrup and the morning after pill. I’m the sort of individual that loves to be well-prepared for whatever existence is able to fling at me.
Of late I’ve put on a couple of kilos, and I think it is due to the fact that I have not been paying enough attention to my diet. It’s so simple to just get snacks and consume them absent mindedly. I’ve picked up a terrible habit of buying a packet of crisps while heading to work and munching it at my desk, even though I’ve recently eaten my porridge. I am not that worried on the subject of my waistline, I am not at risk of becoming obese in a hurry; however it’d be a shame were I to become fatter simply due to poor dining habits.
I undoubtedly need to exercise more as I spend a great deal of my day sat in front of a laptop. Obviously I have to do so from 9 till 5 at work, but once I get back in the evenings I tend to get on the web immediately. Often it’s bedtime when I finally switch the computer off. I regularly see stories in the newspaper saying that being active is essential for a strong heart, and I decide to get outdoors and do more active things, however soon the notion fades and I largely forget about it. A few years ago I joined a gym; however I went once in a year and swiftly recognized that I was squandering my money.

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